Our Group At A Glance
Our vision
To become a global investment management firm and partner of choice for investors coming to Africa
Our mission
We help our clients achieve their investment goals
Our Strategic Goal
To become a technology company selling financial services and products. Use technology to create a strong retail distribution channel. Become leading Investment Bank to the SME segment
Our Story
Investment One Financial Services Limited was incorporated in 2008 as GTB Asset Management Limited, a wholly-owned Asset Management subsidiary of Guaranty Trust Bank.
In 2011, following new regulatory requirements, GTBank divested from the Company.
The Company’s name was then changed to Investment One Financial Services ‘Investment One’ with the goal of becoming the leading non-bank financial services group in Nigeria.
Today, Investment One is a leader in the Nigerian financial services industry with distinctive offerings in private banking & trust, mutual funds, pensions funds administration, real estate, private equity/venture capital, investment banking and securities brokerage. The Group is recognized as one of the fastest-growing firms in Nigeria and is expanding its physical presence to international territories.
The Group’s business model is simple: attract investor’s funds through its private banking, mutual funds and pension businesses; seek attractive returns through its investment banking and securities brokerage businesses.